Elisabet Bloom Approach Somatic Education Skills and Ability
With many years of experience and the ability to sense the body, I teach the method in a new way. Every day, I demonstrate skills and ability (manipulons) on each student for the first three teaching sessions. It gives a personal touch and makes the process understandable.
You will learn what is meant by self-observation via one-to-one and group lessons.
You will learn to perceive the body's movements from within yourself.
You get the opportunity to see and hear explanations for each one-to-one and group lesson and see and share your own and others' experiences of the lessons. As a result, you gain an increased understanding of the process and a deepened awareness.
You have time to get to know and use the group's experiences in teaching. This also creates a sense of belonging that strengthens self-confidence and improves learning results.
You get to practice every day, with direct feedback, the one-to-one lessons I demonstrated.
At the end of the day, you can make further observations about the theme through group lessons to consolidate the day's insights and end the day with yourself.
The training takes place individually, is process-oriented, and contains 2 annual training blocks for 3.5 years and 742 hours. The process is thoroughly tried and tested for optimal development.
“To teach to develop according to EBA skills and abilities, its essential to go through each step in this process.”