Publications by Elisabet Bloom
Boken ger kunskap om möjligheter till utveckling av kroppsmedvetenhet, självobservation, självstyrning och en tydligare självbild
Pris 391 SEK, ink. moms, plus porto
Bankgiro 5619-8419 -
Elisabet Bloom hat die außerordentliche Fähigkeit, die Feldenkrais-Methode auf eine sehr pädagogische und lebendige Weise zu beschreiben.
Preis 39.90 € plus Porto
The book provides knowledge about opportunities for developing body awereness, selfobservation, selfcontrol and an extended self image.
In production, expected to be released in 2024. You are welcome to PRE order it here.
Interim report from treatment of a whiplash injury with the Feldenkrais-Method 1994.
Clinical observations made in the application of the Feldenkrais Method in fibromyalgia patients at Sätra Brunn 1991.
Description of the Feldenkrais project with cleaning staff in Kävlinge 1995.
Publications by Elisabet Bloom
Boken ger kunskap om möjligheter till utveckling av kroppsmedvetenhet, självobservation, självstyrning och en tydligare självbild
Pris 391 SEK, ink. moms, plus porto
Bankgiro 5619-8419 -
Elisabet Bloom hat die außerordentliche Fähigkeit, die Feldenkrais-Methode auf eine sehr pädagogische und lebendige Weise zu beschreiben.
Preis 39.90 € plus Porto
The book provides knowledge about opportunities for developing body awareness, self-observation, self-control and an extended self-image.
In production, expected to be released in 2024. You are welcome to PRE order it here.
Interim report from treatment of a whiplash with the Feldenkrais-Method 1994.
Clinical observations made in the application of the Feldenkrais Method in fibromyalgia patients at Sätra Brunn 1991.
Description of the Feldenkrais project with cleaning staff in Kävlinge 1995.