EBA is based on Yochanan Rywerant's concept and understanding of Moshe Feldenkrais´ work. It is an educational method to increase your knowledge of your capacity.

Use your resources effectively, individually, in collaboration with others and society.
“You have all my encouragement, you should be proud of yourself. Anyway, I am proud of you. I can see that you had a clear idea of what to do, but you were also free to observe what is changing and developing in those people. I think you are the first from the trainers training, that has already started teaching. It is exactly what I had in mind. And this beginning shows that my efforts have not been in vain”.
— Yochanan Rywerant, November 12, 1997
“Elisabet Bloom Approach Somatic Education continues Yochanan Rywerant´s training concept,
wich is based on Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais's ideas about Somatic Education. With solid experience and many years of practice with self-study combined with training, Elisabet has deepened a method to provide a deeper understanding of how humans react and act to use their resources effectively and individually, in collaboration with others and society.”
In action teaching the Approach Somatic Education
What students are saying:
“I couldn´t be happier with Elisabet´s training. I have had a hard time imagining that there could be a better course for somatic education out there. Every subject is very thoroughly demonstrated and explained and every question from students are answered in detail and at lenght, with meticoulous attention to detail. Yet the teaching is done in a very relaxed and forgiving way where everyone is given ample time to gain experience by practicing the techniques demonstrated by Elisabet."
- Martin Lindén -
“I deeply appreciate Elisabet Bloom technique both as a practitioner and as a teacher. I find her understanding of how to relate to the body and to bring forth healing fascinating. And alongside that, her capability to explain the processes involved makes it accessible to us, her students.
”With Elisabet I feel confident that I have learned enough to help out here and there with my own clients, from whom I have only received good comments”.
- Niklas Valenti, Choreographer,
Stockholm, Sweden -
“I have had a hard time imagining that there could be a better course for somatic education out there”
“I feel confident that I have learned enough to help out with my own clients, from whom I have only received good comments.”
“Trust the process.”
By Elisabet’s daily FIs we profit from an intensive process of our individual development and growth at many levels (body, capacity for perception, development of senses, inner sight, kinaesthetic sense, anatomical visualisation).
One Manipulon a day helps us to stick to the subject, to follow a „red thread“ – and to develop a container, to train patience – to learn to be able to be present and to wait, instead of “doing“.
And it is a read thread “with variations“, since one and the same Manipulon ist performed differently at each member of the group. This makes us interested and awake for the “little“ differences we find in ever body and how to deal with them in one and the same Manipulon.
Ending the day with the corresponding ATM give us the chance to deeper perceive the movements, to explore them further in our bodies and by doing to und understand them on a deeper level.
Demonstration – discussion – and finding answers to our questions – that is a rich mixture. In a small group we feel free to share our experiences on deeper and deeper levels – what enriches all of us.
There is an atmosphere of mutual trust, common research and well-feeling what we consider to be the basis for opening up to new experiences and for the learning process as a whole.
Elisabet uses all channels of perception – by doing so learning becomes a holistic process and more and more connections and the interconnectedness of things become more and more clear to us. We consider that this is only possible if the teacher has a huge amount of experience.
- A Basic Training Group, Windeck, Germany -
“Learning becomes a holistic process and more and more connections and the interconnectedness of things become more and more clear to us. We consider that this is only possible if the teacher has a huge amount of experience. ”